In the vast tapestry of modern music legends, few names shine as brightly as Beyoncé and Prince. Both have not only dominated the charts but have indelibly shaped the cultural landscape of their respective eras. In a candid conversation with Vogue, Beyoncé gave a rare insight into a defining moment in her illustrious career, crediting none other than the enigmatic Prince for a piece of advice that has become her guiding star.

For the uninitiated, Prince’s extraordinary legacy goes beyond his impressive discography. He was known not only for his musical genius but also for fiercely advocating artists’ rights and maintaining a vice-like control over his brand. It was from this space of fierce independence and unyielding determination that he once whispered to Beyoncé: “Don’t give away your power.”

It may seem like a simple mantra, but in the intricate labyrinth of the music industry where artists often cede control in exchange for visibility, contracts, or the illusive promise of greater success, these words carry a depth that can’t be underestimated. Beyoncé, in the aforementioned interview, elucidated how this advice has anchored her in crucial decision-making junctures, reminding her of the need to take command of her narrative, her art, and her destiny.

“I’ve always admired Prince’s artistry and his dedication to his craft,” Beyoncé mused during her conversation with Vogue. “He was a true visionary, and he never compromised his integrity. His advice to me has been invaluable, and it’s something I’ve always kept in mind throughout my career.”

Indeed, for any Beyoncé fan or observer, her journey post this advice seems like a masterclass in not just musical excellence but also in maintaining control. Whether it’s her surprise album drops, her groundbreaking visual albums, or her decision to delve deep into her African heritage with “The Lion King: The Gift”, Beyoncé has consistently showcased a rare tenacity to carve her path, on her terms.

For budding artists, or really anyone looking to make their mark in any industry, Beyoncé’s recounting of Prince’s counsel offers a treasure trove of wisdom. Here’s a deep dive into how one can maintain that control, drawing from Queen Bey’s own playbook:

1. Be Clear About Your Vision

Before you can control your narrative, you need to understand it yourself. What drives you? What’s your story? What are you trying to convey through your art? Beyoncé’s “Lemonade”, for instance, wasn’t just an album-it was a statement. It was a narrative about infidelity, black womanhood, healing, and resilience. She knew what she wanted to say, and she crafted her art around it. Aspiring artists should take a leaf from her book and spend time introspecting about their vision and purpose.

2. Be Involved in All Aspects of Your Career

Beyoncé’s prowess isn’t limited to her vocal cords. She’s deeply involved in every facet of her art songwriting, production, video direction, choreography, and more. This multifaceted involvement ensures that her vision is not diluted or lost in translation. For up-and-comers, even if you can’t master every skill, being aware and involved ensures that your art remains authentic to your vision.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

For someone with as many accolades as Beyoncé, she has also faced her fair share of criticism and pushback. However, she’s never shied away from taking risks and saying no to what didn’t align with her vision. Whether it’s turning down a lucrative deal or deciding not to attend an award show, Beyoncé’s career is a testament to the power of selective decision-making.

4. Remember, You Are The Boss

Prince was unequivocal about owning his music and being at the helm of his brand. Beyoncé, inspired by such stalwarts, has echoed this sentiment time and again. Whether it’s her decision to own her master recordings or launching her own management company, Parkwood Entertainment, she’s emphasized the importance of being the boss. And it’s not about power for the sake of it; it’s about ensuring that her art, legacy, and message remain untainted.

In an era where artists often find themselves ensnared in the trappings of fame, contracts, and external pressures, Beyoncé’s dedication to Prince’s advice is both refreshing and revolutionary.

Through her actions, she underscores a poignant message for all: Your power lies in your authenticity, your vision, and your unyielding spirit. As she continues to reign supreme in the music industry, Beyoncé’s journey stands as a luminous beacon for all aspiring artists, reminding them that in the grand symphony of life, they should always be the conductors of their own orchestra.