Cardi B will have her first movie role in her career. It’s a coincidence that the female rapper will transform into a naked dancer – true to her background before she became famous.

Cardi B is known as the most famous female rapper today. In the near future, the owner of the song Money will have the opportunity to appear on the big screen for the first time. Cardi B will star in the movie Hustlers as a naked dancer. This is probably not too difficult because before debuting as a rapper, Cardi B worked as a dancer in a club for many years.

From life to film: Cardi B plays a naked dancer with Jennifer Lopez - Picture 1

For the first time in a movie, Cardi B plays an unwilling dancer.

She did not hide this story and shared it with the press. ‘The women there, they taught me to be stronger. I have gained more passion and love for performing arts. It makes me so beautiful. I’m satisfied with that phase of my life. Many people always tease me for that but I don’t regret it because I’ve learned many things. I’m more mature.’

From life to film: Cardi B plays a naked dancer with Jennifer Lopez - Picture 2