new poneglyph reader revealed vegapunk one piece


The Egghead Island arc in One Piece surprises fans with major revelations and epic clashes, setting up the Final Saga.
Scholars of Ohara secretly researched Poneglyphs, leading to a significant aftermath after the Buster Call on the island.
Vegapunk reveals deciphering the Poneglyphs and uncovering secrets of the Void Century, teasing more revelations in the upcoming chapters.

One Piece’s Egghead Island arc continues to mesmerize fans and it’s safe to say that this arc has proven to be anything but the minor arc that fans were expecting it to be. From major clashes all the way to some of the biggest revelations being made in the story, the Egghead Island arc has cemented itself as one of the very best in the entire story, and an absolutely incredible beginning to the Final Saga of the series.

Of course, Oda was always going to reveal major secrets about the world in the Wano arc that focused on Vegapunk, and that is precisely what has happened. In fact, Oda has even tackled the secrets of the Void Century in this arc, though only to an extent. It also appears that another Poneglyph reader has appeared in the story, and that makes things that much more interesting.

The Scholars Of Ohara And The Poneglyph Readers

The Oharans Were Avid Readers Of Poneglyphs


Nearly 22 years ago, on the island of Ohara, there existed many scholars who were obsessed with the ideas of Poneglyphs. Poneglyphs are known to be stones that carry a certain message in an ancient language that cannot be deciphered by the regular people of the world. The world government has forbidden deciphering these Poneglyphs and it can lead to severe consequences. However, knowing that history is a gift that is meant to be studied, and that these Poneglyphs contain messages from the Ancient Kingdom, the scholars of Ohara took it upon themselves to research them against the will of the Government.

In other words, I took everything that Oharans uncovered and memorized it. It’s all in my head and I continued their research!

One Piece Ohara The Void Century

They did so in utter secrecy; however, eventually, they were found out. When that happened, most of the scholars who could go on to read Poneglyphs were all eradicated. Nico Robin was the only person who was allowed to live and this was down to the fact that Saul tried his best to save her, and later down the line, Aokiji spared her life as well. All the other Scholars of Ohara laid down their lives for what they believed in and tried their best to keep or are alive. Back then, even though it was believed that Ohara had been utterly crushed, developments that were revealed later down the line confirmed that Ohara had not lost the battle yet. Ohara still lives and the aftermath of the Ohara Incident that was finally revealed to the fans in the Egghead Island arc is that much more interesting.

The Aftermath Of The Ohara Buster Call

The Knowledge Of Ohara And The Secrets Of The Void Century Were Salvaged

The Island of Ohara being destroyed by a Buster Call In One PIece Young Robin crying as Ohara is destroyed by the Buster Call in One PIece Robin saying goodbye to her mother during the Ohara Buster Call in One Piece One Piece Akainu kills people of Ohara

After the Buster Call that took place in Ohara, something absolutely incredible happened that was revealed to the fans in the Egghead Island arc. Fans already knew that before Ohara was burned to a cinder, the scholars tried their best to save the books. They took all the books that were used for research and record history, and dumped them in the lake outside the Tree of Knowledge. All the books of Ohara were dumped outside and that was the only treasure that they wanted to save. Even though Ohara was utterly crushed, the books ended up surviving and this is something that the fans did know back then as well. What the fans did not know was that the books were eventually salvaged. This was revealed to the fans in the Egghead Island arc by Vegapunk himself. These books were collected by none other than the Giants of Elbaf, who were likely led by Saul.

Through the sheer tenacity of a group of excellent archaeologists, I inherited some texts and a number of ponegliffs, which I have deciphered!

All these books were transported to Elbaf and it is likely that they are housed in some library there right now. When Vegapunk and Dragon came to pay respects to the fallen people of Ohara, fans could clearly see the Giants hauling all the books from the lake and taking them back to their country. It has also been established that Vegapunk has a good relationship with the Giants of Elbaf and that he has paid a visit to the land itself once before.

Vegapunk himself went on to say that he decided to carry on the work of the scholars of Ohara, and continue researching the Poneglyphs. This in itself means that Vegapunk knows how to decipher the ancient language. This should not come as a surprise to the fans. From the very beginning, fans knew that vegapunk was the smartest person on the planet. The fact that he had the same tools to decipher the Poneglyphs as the scholars of Ohara was basically a giveaway right from the beginning. Furthermore, Vegapunk mentioned long ago as well that he carried on the work of Ohara, and all their research is saved in his brain.

Vegapunk’s Research Of The Poneglyphs

Vegapunk Deciphered Poneglyphs By Himself

Chopper and Luffy meet Dr. Vegapunk. vegapunk announcement one piece 1109 Vegapunk scared of York

If all that wasn’t enough, then, Vegapunk went on to explicitly mention in One Piece chapter 1114 that he committed a grave sin and that was to research the Poneglyphs. By deciphering the Poneglyphs himself and carrying on the research of others, Vegapunk was able to extrapolate the truth regarding the Void Century. Of course, he still doesn’t know what exactly happened during this 100-year void, but he only knows bits from here and there. Vegapunk started his story by talking about an individual who was born 900 years ago, with a rubbery and stretchy body just like the Sun God Nika from the fables of Elbaf, going by the name of Joy Boy. He then continues to say that Joy Boy was the first pirate in history, and the first one to take to the seas, likely in a quest for adventure.

It is highly likely that Vegapunk will continue to deliver this message in the upcoming chapter as well and reveal more bits of information pertaining to the Void Century as well. More importantly, what fans need to keep in mind is that it has now been confirmed that Vegapunk himself has deciphered the Poneglyphs and that he is a Poneglyph reader as well. Unfortunately, Vegapunk is dead. However, some of his satellites are still alive. Whether they hold the same ability or not remains to be seen. However, it is highly likely that by the end of this arc, none of the Vegapunks will actually go on to live.

Still, it is incredibly fun to see another Poneglyph reader in the story. That isn’t all. It is highly likely that there is going to be yet another Poneglyph reader in One Piece soon, and that is Saul. Fans know that he was the one who led the haul of the books from the lake under the Tree of Knowledge all the way to Elbaf. He has stayed there ever since and became a scholar. For him to not have researched these books and stones at the same time would be preposterous. In the Elbaf arc, fans could find yet another Poneglyph reader in One Piece in the form of Saul, which makes things that much more exciting.